The purpose of the Iowa Chapter of Music Therapy (ICMT) is to further the advancement of training and educating music therapists in and around the state of Iowa, and to provide a forum for networking |
Membership shall be open to all interested people who wish to support the Chapter. Such membership will provide the right to receive state level correspondence and materials; members will have the right to attend ICMT business meetings and have the right to vote; members will have access to the ICMT library. |
Annual dues shall be fifteen dollars. Membership shall be from January 1 to December 31. Members failing to pay dues by the first business meeting of the annual year shall forfeit all rights of membership. Those who have forfeited rights of membership because of nonpayment of dues shall be able to reinstate themselves with payment of current period. |
A minimum of two official business meetings shall be held annually; one in the spring and one in the fall. Any other meetings may be called by the President or a group of at least 3 members. Location of meetings shall be rotated within the state and will be held in conjunction with other meetings and/or conferences if at all possible in order to provide CMTEs for those attending. |
The officers of the Chapter shall be elected positions. The officers shall be current members of ICMT and board certified or eligible for board certification. |
President or Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter, appoint committees and replacement offices deemed necessary by the officers or members of the Chapter, coordinate Music Therapy Awareness Week on the last week of February into the first week of March, and assist in coordinating Continuing Music Therapy Education (CMTE) opportunities. SECTION 2 Vice President shall take and post the minutes of the Chapter business meetings, be responsible for all historical materials of the Chapter and develop the ICMT Newsletter. SECTION 3 Treasurer/Membership Officer shall be responsible for all financial transactions of the Chapter and keeping a record of all members of ICMT. SECTION 4 Web Coordinator shall be responsible for upkeep of the ICMT web site. SECTION 5 Empowerment Workshop Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating the ICMT Empowerment Workshops with the site hosting the workshop. SECTION 6 Length of term shall be two years. SECTION 7 Vice President shall succeed to the presidency in case of disability or resignation of the President. In case of disability or resignation of the President and Vice President the Treasurer/Membership Officer shall succeed to the presidency. SECTION 8 If the Chapter is unable to find members to fill each of these five offices, the duties of the unfilled office or offices shall be absorbed by the remaining officers. |
Election Procedures
Election of officers shall take place annually at the first meeting of the year. Nominations shall be accepted from the membership at large. Nominees must be notified prior to election. Officers shall be elected by written ballot. Officers shall be elected by a quorum. |
The quorum for business meetings shall consist of one officer plus a simple majority of those members present. |
This constitution/bylaws may be amended at any meeting by a quorum of voting members present, the proposed amendment having been submitted to the membership concurrent with the announcement of the next meeting. Those members not in attendance will be notified of the changes by prior to the next meeting. |